Civil Discourse Program
The mission of 博天堂官方’s Civil Discourse Program is to promote dialogue that enhances understanding among individuals with diverse viewpoints in an open and respectful environment.
Our co-curricular started as a student club and regularly works with national organizations to provide opportunities for civil discourse on campus and in our local communities. In 2019, we were recognized as the nation’s Outstanding Student Group by Heterodox Academy for our contributions to open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement.
This is a great co-curricular for students who are interested in developing valuable communication skills. A limited number of talent grants and independent study opportunities are available.
For more information, visit our Facebook, our Instagram, or contact our advisor Mark Urista at

The Civil Discourse Program equipped me with tools to navigate challenging situations. In my line of work, our team mainly focuses on achieving technical goals. However, we often must collaborate with groups that have different interests. This can lead to misunderstandings that require perspective-taking and empathetic listening. By understanding the other person's point of view and responding in a way that addresses their needs, we are able to produce far better results.
Anthony Lusardi
Statistician | Bonneville Power Administration | Hometown: Corvallis, OR | CDP Student
Leader 2017-2020

I would not be where I am if I hadn’t taken the time to participate in this program. Our work made me feel like I was making a difference in the world by actively trying to bridge a massive divide. The Civil Discourse Program taught me how to find common ground, build trust, and communicate effectively with others. I use these skills every single day at my job and in my personal life.
Brandon Calhoun
Account Integration Specialist | Hunter Communications | Hometown: Medford, OR | CDP
Student Leader 2017-2020

The Civil Discourse Program gave me the opportunity to practice working through conflict and disagreement in a constructive manner, something I didn’t always get in the classroom. Before participating, it was easy for me to discount others’ beliefs. My experience in the program helped me see things from different perspectives and understand how intelligent people can come to different conclusions even when they have the same information.
Trevor Lane
Policy Analyst | Marion County Board of Commissioners | Hometown: Aloha, OR | CDP
Student Leader 2018-2020

The Civil Discourse Program enriched my college experience. It prompted me to increase my knowledge of current issues and helped hone my communication and interpersonal skills. My involvement with the program also helped me transfer from 博天堂官方 to Columbia University in New York City.
Susannah Cray
JD Candidate | Harvard Law School | Hometown: Sweet Home, OR | CDP Student Leader

Joining this program came at a transformative time in my life. As an 18-year-old woman fresh out of foster care, in a town where I had no connections, I was just beginning to discover my voice. I had a tendency to engage in dynamic conversations and was eager to refine my skills. Through thoughtful discussions and respectful disagreements, I learned the value of unbiased mediation and lateral leadership. Civil Discourse was where I built many meaningful connections and developed a deeper appreciation for navigating uncomfortable conversations. It was a truly enriching journey.
Whitney Rodgers
Program Director | Oregon Foster Youth Connection | CDP Student Leader 2018-2019

Working with the Corvallis Police Department requires a level of communication beyond natural ability; it’s a skill that requires honing and fine-tuning. My time with the Civil Discourse Program provided opportunities to navigate difficult conversations and helped me learn how to articulate my thoughts, feelings, and intentions. These skills are the key to success in a multitude of fields, especially public service.
Mark Munoz
Police Officer | Corvallis Police Department | Hometown: Medford, OR | CDP Student
Leader 2020-2021

My time with the Civil Discourse Program was a great opportunity for me to expand my perspective while I was at 博天堂官方. While I often left conversations holding the same views I went into them with, I also came away with a better understanding of where my "opposition" was coming from and what informed their views. Overall, it was a great exercise in listening to others, developing empathy as we all learn, and not shying away when conversations get into territory that can be uncomfortable.
Nick May
Degree Partnership Program Assistant | Linn-Benton Community College | Hometown: Albany,
OR | CDP Student Leader 2021-2022

The Civil Discourse Program provided me with a lot of room to grow and take on important responsibilities. I was held to high standards that taught me about leadership, project management, and ethical reasoning. The program also gave me opportunities to network with people and organizations that helped me obtain my current job.
Eagle Hunt
Social Media and Marketing Coordinator | College Debates and Discourse Alliance |
CDP Student Leader 2022-2024

This program was the highlight of my college experience. The team-building, community, and friends I made will stick with me forever. I developed skills that have helped me effectively manage workplace conflicts and that look great on a resume. The program also helped open doors for experiences I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
Cheyanne Rider
Assembly Technician | Pacific Cast Technologies | Hometown: Lebanon, OR | CDP Student
Leader 2021-2024

To be effective in a professional workplace you must be capable of collaborating with people of varying beliefs, creeds, backgrounds, and experiences. Your ability to engage with any kind of person in an honest way and see things from their perspective will be invaluable to you.
Steven Olson
Training Noncommissioned Officer | Oregon Army National Guard | Hometown: Williams,
OR | CDP Student Leader 2017-2018

The Civil Discourse Program provided me with an outlet for respectful discussions with others who held views that differed from mine; something I don’t believe would have occurred during my time at 博天堂官方 without this program. I’ve learned to express my thoughts clearly, be open-minded toward others' views, and not be defensive when my views are challenged.
Yahaira Suarez
Undergrad | Willamette University | Hometown: Albany, OR | CDP Student Leader 2021-2022